Our Story
A Simple Idea.
Even with my little experience in farming, I knew one thing to be true; this is hard!
As a first generation farmer, I did not have family land or equipment, or years of training to help me get started. To run a truly successful farm, you need funding, experience, and more hours in a day than everyone else. After a few years of working hard, asking for countless favors, and meeting some of the most generous souls in the world, I began to feel my place in the farming community being solidified.
This is when I had a moment to sit back, take a breath and think. If getting started was so hard for me, it must feel the same way to all of the other farmers who are just starting out.
Sure enough, the feedback I received was all the same. Finding land, purchasing equipment, and educating yourself of the ins and outs of farming are the biggest challenges for first generation farmers.
Thats when it hit me. Why are we making this so hard on ourselves? Why don’t we create a community of like minded farmers, all with different skill sets, and help one another to achieve what feels like the impossible,
Enter Weathered Ways, Home of Fishy Green Organic Farm, Cece’s Honey Bees, FarmDog Flowers, EcoTone Herbs, and Silverplate Cellars. By Sharing land, equipment, time, and knowledge we are ensuring that each and every single one of us are able to succeed. It’s such a simple concept. It’s Community. It’s Kindness. It’s Incredible. Come check it out.